Saturday 29 November 2014

Font for Dyslexics

In my role as a Specialist Support Tutor I deal with students with specific learning disabilities including dyslexia, so I was very interested to learn of this new font.

Created by Dutch designer Christian Boer (who himself has dyslexia) the Dyslexie Font is reported to make reading easier for dyslexics.  He describes how traditional fonts can make letters look similar, causing confusion to those with dyslexia.  Dyslexics often mirror or rotate letters in their minds, causing a 'b' to look like a 'd' 'p' or 'q' and so on.  The reason Boer's font works so well is that each letter is unique; unlike traditional fonts that flip, rotate and mirror letters. 

Each letter is bottom heavy

Christian Boer, you are an absolute genius for this design, as this video nicely illustrates. Hats off to you sir.

Once the font is installed, it can be used for writing documents, reading emails and browsing the internet. Click here to download.

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