Wednesday 5 November 2014

Our Aire of Questions

How can online questionnaires be used to benefit the teacher?

Questionnaires can be a great way to engage the class in something fun, whilst at the same time finding out essential information about the class.  In the questionnaire below, we sandwiched silly questions between sensible ones.  Asking participants their favourite colour (but only giving obscure options) added some playfulness to the questionnaire, but we also found out some useful information, such as: 

  • The aspirations of our fellow classmates
  • Valuable input on what they believe is important when teaching
  • Ideas for delivering an inclusive lesson.
Doing something similar as a teacher could provide me with information such as the range of abilities, the expectations of the class, and the students' previous experience.  Depending on the questions, it could also be used to encourage deep or critical thinking about the subject being taught.

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